Tight Record-Keeping, Responsive Systems

We execute payments, manage the payments component of your database, report on changes to the database, and deliver results information on all processing activity.

Our Reporting Portal lets you see your payment activity as it occurs 24/7/365.

If you need to make changes or issue a refund, we can do that in real time.
Broad Integrations Through All Channels

Our technology works inside each channel through our integrations with telemarketers, caging companies, face-to-face canvassers and client websites.

PSI provides hands-on client service. We welcome phone calls!

PSI systems make your donation processing easier, faster, safer, and more reliable.
Full Bank Account Reconciliations Available

When provided with monthly bank account statements, PSI offers full bank account reconciliation. Daily reconciliation is also available, if PSI is provided online access.

PSI offers VISA/MasterCard Account Updater access on all Recurring payments programs.

V/MC updater service has been available to our clients since 2014.